Norland Free Product Voucher, what should distributors do with it

norland product voucher

Free product voucher is one of the ways Norland Industrial Group compensates her distributors. For every N180,000 you brought into the business you get a product voucher of about N40,000 alongside other payment. Sometimes your free product voucher can accumulate into hundreds of thousands of naira. To claim your product voucher, you need to order product using your product voucher. After ordering, pick up you order from any of Norland stockiest or from the head office.

So the question is, what is to be done with the products. In other words, what does Norland Industrial Group expect distributors to do with these free products. This article stipulates how to use your free products.

Personal Use: Norland Industrial group expects distributors to use their free products. Like they say, experience is the best teacher. Distributors are supposed to experience the products. The only way to experience these products is to use them. By using, you will know your products well and this will make marketing these products very easy.

Norland has daily consumables like toothpaste, cream, body wash, shampoo etc. I don’t use any other toothpaste except Norland herbal toothpate and  the vital probiotics toothpaste. There is GI Vital softgel, which is a dietary supplement. We are to use these products to stay healthy to be able to convince other to use it.

Use it as sample products: Distributors are supposed to use their free products as samples. This means give it out for free as you go marketing the products. People respond more when things are given to them for free. This is the reason behind 7 days free trial, 30 days free trail and trial versions prevalence online today.

Company wants us to try their product for free knowing fully when that trying it will convince us about the efficacy of the products, then you will want to start paying for it. Norland products shouldn’t be different. We can use same strategy to get our products into the hands of many people, hoping a trial will convince them to continue using. Give it for free to consumers, retailers; donate it to organization and charity. You can’t imagine what will come out of that gesture.

Gifts to prospects: This is also in consonance to the last point. We have prospects we have talked to about Norland multi level marketing, but they are yet to register. You can give them your free products to make them start experiencing and enjoying the products. Through this, prospects realized that you are not just bringing them in to benefit at their expense. Giving prospects products shows them they have things to benefit in the business. This will let them know that the free product gift is only a tip of the iceberg, when compared to other benefits attached to doing the business.

Use it to get reviews: Yes, I say it again. Use your free products to get customers review. I know this is controversial, nothing is wrong with doing this. If done like I’m  recommending nowe. Give the products to customers, let them use it for 7 days to 30 days, them come back to them to leave you a review on the products that they have used, they will gladly do that. I have gotten several reviews using this strategy. Remember that you don’t force them to give you 5-star because you gave them free product. Let them review as to the satisfaction they got from the product.

Sell it: Another thing to do with your free product is to sell it. I mean exchange it for money. You should sell to make more money and profit from the business.  The business is about wealth creation and financial freedom.

These are what I do with my Norland free product voucher and it has help my business significantly in terms of attracting people to the business, making sales and making more money.

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